CBCC is located in Barrington, Illinois (suburban Chicago) and provides general PC support and custom software development using Clarion, Wang Basic, Niakwa NPL and PostScript. I specialize in using Soft Velocity Clarion for Windows and DOS. I am a member of Team Soft Velocity and also a TopSpeed Certified Support Professional. I have authored more then a score of articles for Clarion Magazine on a variety of Clarion programming topics.
Come to the ETC 2004 the East Tennesee Clarion Conference June 8, 2004 in Gatlingburg TN and hear me speak on the topic of Clarion 6 True Threading. If you have any questions on the topic of porting to C6 and threading please email them to me. I've been to ETC every year and I can tell you that it is a great conference in every way. You'll learn a lot, eat well and Gatlinburg is a nice place to visit. At Clarion Mag you'll find many ETC articles with lots of pictures and even a specific category for ETC III in 2002.
Electronic mail address
You can email me at: CarlWeb _at_ CarlBarnes.com. (Change _at_ to "@", this
masks my address from spammers)