Clarion Editor Lost & Found Utility

Download Clarion Editor Lost & Found version 2.0  Clarion Lost 8kb

If you don't have C6 download the C6RunX.DLL Gold Version  C6RunX.DLL 525kb

Unzip the above file and you'll get ClarionLost.exe. Put this in it's own directory or in your C6 directory.

The Clarion Embed Editor can get lost in the Window's Z-Order when you switch applications and try to switch back. Most times you can get focus back to the editor by pressing Alt+F6 but it does not always work. Sometimes to have to shutdown Clarion from the Task manager and you lose work and risk corrupting your App. It can be frustrating.

Clarion Editor Lost & Found should get focus back to the clarion editor 100% of the time.

The below screen shot shows an example with Clarion 2, 4, 5, 5.5 and 6 in and embed point editor. All Clarion windows show. The editor windows are colored purple. The last editor window in the z-order is automatically selected. Currently the editor windows are identified by looking for the Populate Field toolbox. So if you've closed it the editor window will not be highlighted. Notice that the editor window is not a child of the embed list that opened it. The editor parent is the Application tree. This may be part of the problem of how things get whacked.

clalost2.jpg (75550 bytes)

To give focus to a Clarion window just double click on the desired line. The window will be given focus and CELF will be minimized, closed or left open based on what you have chosen in the drop list next to the Set Focus button.

This minimizes to the tooltray so you can have it ready to run quickly. Thanks to Vince's ABC free for the code to do this.

 clalosttray.jpg (4240 bytes)


Some Tips on other ways to get the editor window back:

  1. Press Alt+F6
  2. Before you switch to another program hit Alt-X as if you are exiting the embed. This will pop up the "Do you want to save". Now switch to your other program, do what you need come back and click
    the cancel button on the message. That will take you right back to the code you were editing. If there is nothing to save you get back to the embed tree and you won't lose focus anyway.
  3. Another trick is to right click on the windows taskbar and select "Cascade Windows" from the popup menu. That will resize the windows so you will be able to get to the editor.


Got Source?

If writing embed code then you probably have a lot of code and it's easy to spend a lot of time hunting for where you put something like a procedure or where you used a variable. This is exactly why I created another one of my utilities Clarion Source Search. Most users say "I don't know how I ever lived without it!" You can read a Review of Clarion Source Search at Clarion Magazine (Free Membership Required).

Copyright 1998-2003, All rights reserved, Carl T. Barnes.
Last revised: December 14, 2003.