CW Assistant
Get more done, delegate work to your assistant
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The screen shot above shows CWA in action. In the top left is the Message Maker. To
the right are a dictionary files list for the ClubMgr dictionary and file views for States
and Committees. On the bottom left is code CWA can generate from a file view. On the
bottom right is a Map.
- Message Maker
- Dictionary Viewer
- File Viewer
- File Code Generator
- Drag and Drop Fields
- Map Viewer
- String Builder
- Template Equates Code
- "Hit it" Keycode Equates
- Equate Helper
- Color Designer
- Code Library
- Window Key Analyzer
- Help Organizer
- Template Registrar
- Stick Notes
- Complete Online Help
Message Maker
- Build Message()'s, test it without compiling, generate code
- Save them for future reuse
- Rename buttons for special purposes, e.g. "Yes to All"
- Play sounds, use all 30 CW icons
- Drag and drop variables from Dictionary
- There is no better way to build messages than this!
- Can put tabs in messages and preview
Dictionary and File Viewer
- Import a .DCT or .TXD (uses DDE)
- View File attributes plus User Options for DET
- View Field, Key, Relationship and Alias info
- Generate Code to do a Get or Set/Loop/Next and much more
- Uses relationships in generated code for complete code
- Drag and drop fields to messages and elsewhere
- Build views with PROJECT's and JOIN's
MAP Viewer
- Ever been in an embed and can't remember what you called a Procedure?
- Loads your program's MAP and shows it to you sorted by Name or Module
- Copy prototypes to the clipboard in 2 clicks
- View source by pulling up modules in the editor in 2 clicks
- Procedures separated onto tabs for Yours, Standard, Lib
- Files Included list on a separate tab
String Builder
- Generate formatted strings without missing a quote or <13,10>
- Generate STOP and HALT code nicely formatted
- Drop variables from the dictionary
Keycode Finder
- Find key code equates by simply pressing the key
- Can generate several types of code for the equate
Window Keys Analysis
- Checks a WINDOW definition for conflicts in the Key
- Does Alt &Keys, KEY()'s and ALRT Keys
- Checks Prompts and Menus for conflicts with the frame
- Checks for use of standard Windows keys like Ctrl+C
- Gives suggestions for Alt keys
Template Equates Expression Builder
- I get tired of typing RequestCancelled and I make mistakes and that costs me compiles.
So this lets you build code with the mouse
Color Finder
- Ever have to compile 10 times to get the right color combination?
- Apply any color to sample controls in a click
- Change colors on a list box row, column or cell
- Basically do your color work without compiling
Equates Browse
- View all 1500+ equates in a browse organized by type
- Can get CW Help on various equates
- Generates code specific to the equate
- Additional information has been added such as Date and Time Pictures
- Equates duplicated into more logical groups like Event Field, Window and DDE.
- Quit hunting for the book with that ASCII code chart
- Also shows ANSI and Control Codes
ERROR Helper
- Make CASE ERRORCODE statements based on the statement (e.g. PUT)
- All the CW Statements and their error codes are organized
- Creates pretty commented code
Code Library
- Store and Organize code snippets for reuse
- Merge tokens in code to give code template like functionality
Help Viewer
- Every wanted to view the PowerBrowse help file from an embed?
- Organizes all of your help files for quick viewing
- Find and loads them to get you started quickly
- Can also do text (e.g. ReadMe.TXT), source and template files
Template Registrar
- Quickly loads the names of all the template files
- Registers them all in a single mouse click
- All the features you need to control and register templates
Stick Note
- A simple way of sticking some info on your desktop
- Complete on-line Help for all functions
- Tip of the day so you can learn something new each day
- Customizable to generate code the way you like to see it
- Extensible, you can change some menus and code and your own stuff
- Built by someone who programs in CW for a living
- Made to be quick and easy to use and easy to keep info current
- Quick to get started with
- Hand coded for a small memory footprint
- Option for all code in lower case
"One of the most difficult tasks in modern RAD environments is keeping track of
all of the myriad bits and pieces of information which are needed to be truly productive.
CWA gives me instant access to an incredible set of helpful and practical tools which
complement the raw power of CW in every way." Tom Habenstreit
"CWA contains numerous utilities and displays of information that were handy to my
development efforts right when I first started using it, and have gradually become
indispensable for me. I highly recommend it!" George Hale (Team TopSpeed)"
"CWA provides all of the little conveniences you didn't know you needed. I didn't
know I needed an assistant until I installed CWA. Now I can't do without it. CWA is like
on-line help that actually does some work. Since installing CWA I haven't cursed CW's
embed editor even once. That may be a record. A clipboard is only a clipboard, but a
clipboard with CWA is a godsend. I wish I'd thought of it." Nik Johnson (Team
"I type better than most, but nothing beats not typing at all. CW Assistant types
my code for me, saves me time and doesn't make any errors." Steven Parker
"CWA is full of gems - it greatly reduces reaching for the manual" Brian
Staff (Team TopSpeed)
"CWA is a great Desk and Project Reference tool. Don't work in EMBEDs without
it!" Greg Bailey (Team TopSpeed)
"It is definitely worth a look" Clarion Windows Journal 1/97
"CWA is the one tool (besides my coffee cup) that I use every day." David
"I'm a registered user of CW Assistant, but I don't have my registration code,
since my machine just got wiped out and I had to replace everything. Could you please send
me my code? I'm lost without CW Assistant. Thanks!" Don Childers
- Computer:
- 486 PC, 4 MB RAM, 3MB Disk, Windows 9x/NT
- Other Software:
- Requires Clarion for Windows 2.0, C4, C5, C55 or newer
From my Order
Page on BT Micro by phone or online - $99
plus you download it -Secure
Order CWA Online
Download the CWA Software Page. Until registered it runs with
limitations so you can try before you buy.
Copyright © 1995-2001 by Carl T. Barnes, All rights reserved.
All specifications subject to change without notice.
The "CW Assistant" name is a trademark of Carl Barnes.
Other products and companies referred to herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective companies or mark holders.